
Professional Partnership (Partnerschaftsgesellschaft)

Registered office of partnership: Heidelberg
Local court of Mannheim PR 700167

VAT-ID: DE143284510

Represented by (in alphabetic order):

Dr. Johannes Bickel
Tobias Bieber
Jürgen Dernbach
Kerstin Fleissner
Dr. Nils Freudenberg
Henry Girbig
Dr. Norman Häring
Prof. Dr. Andreas Henke
Jacqueline Jakubik
Christin Krämer
Frank-Rüdiger Scheffler
Dr. Gero Schneider M.C.L.
Dr. Peter Sebastian Schneider
Henning Schneider
Thorsten Springstub


Im Breitspiel 9 | 69126 Heidelberg | Germany
Phone: +49 6221 3113-0 | Fax: +49 6221 3113-11

Eschersheimer Landstraße 10 | 60322 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
Tel. +49 69 959601-25 | Fax: +49 69 959601-30

Pariser Platz 7 | D-70173 Stuttgart | Germany
Tel. +49 711 12714467 | Fax: +49 711 12714473

Caspar-David-Friedrich-Straße 6 | 01219 Dresden | Germany
Tel. +49 351 47782-0 | Fax: +49 351 47782-50

Ulmenstraße 14 | 09112 Chemnitz | Germany
Tel. +49 371 38226-0 | Fax: +49 371 38226-23

Jonny-Schehr-Straße 1 | 99085 Erfurt | Germany
Tel. +49 361 65928-0 | Fax: +49 361 65928-66

Humboldtstraße 24 | 07743 Jena | Germany
Tel. +49 3641 239856 | Fax: +49 3641 376776

Responsible for content

Dr. Johannes Bickel

c/o Tiefenbacher
Im Breitspiel 9 | 69126 Heidelberg | Germany

For lawyers the following legal professional provisions apply

(Occupational Rules and Regulations for Lawyers) of 14.12.1996 (BAnz of 08.03.1997) in some parts void, BGBl 2000 I p. 54 and the Specialist Attorneys´
Regulations (FAO) of 01.09.2004. In international legal dealings by the "Code of Conduct of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European Union" (the CCBE Code of Conduct).

For the professional rules applicable to lawyers (BRAO, BORA, FAO, CCBE Code of Conduct and BRAGO), please refer the homepage of the German Bar Association (BRAK) at:

All lawyers have been licensed in the Federal Republic of Germany.All lawyers are professionals under German law.The bar associations in charge of our locations:

Karlsruhe Bar Association

Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig
Sachsen Bar Association

Frankfurt/Main Bar Association

Erfurt and Jena
Thüringen Bar Association

Stuttgart Bar Association

Liability insurance:
VICTORIA Versicherung AG
Am Victoria-Turm 2
68163 Mannheim
Policy territory: within the whole EU-area and the states of the Treaty on the European Economic Area

All tax consultants have been licensed in the Federal Republic of Germany and are professionals under German law.Tax consultants are bound by the statutory provisions of the Tax Consultants Act (StBG), the Tax Consultants Implementation Regulations (DVO-StB), the Code of Conduct of the Federal Association of Tax Consultants, and the Code of Tax Consultants´ Fees (StBGebVO). These provisions are available on the homepage of the Federal Association of Tax Consultants (BStBK) at:

The Associations of Tax Consultants in charge of our locations:

Tax Consultants Bar Nordbaden

Chemnitz und Dresden
Tax Consultants Bar Sachsen


The Tiefenbacher firm does not assume liability for the completeness or correctness of the information provided on this website or for its update status. The same applies to all links contained directly or indirectly on this website. The providers of the linked sites are fully responsible for the contents of their representations. The Tiefenbacher firm is not responsible for the contents of a site that is reached through one of these links. We do not adopt the contents thereof. All links should be considered a neutral reference to the information offered by third parties. This exclusion of liability does not apply in cases of intentional or grossly negligent breach of duties or of death, bodily injury or health damages.


The layout and design of the website as a whole and the individual elements of this site are copyrightprotected. The same applies to the individual editors´ contributions, their selection and combination. The use of this website in public is subject to the approval of the Tiefenbacher law firm.

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Layout and implementation

ABG Marketing GmbH & Co. KG