Dr. Johannes Bickel
Studies of Law with the universities of Heidelberg, Munich and Austin/Texas (USA)
1994 admitted to the German bar
2000 Ph. D. with the university of Heidelberg on comparative procedural law (USA/Germany)
since 1994 Attorney at Tiefenbacher Rechtsanwälte
since 2001 Partner at Tiefenbacher Rechtsanwälte
since 2008 Certified Specialist in Construction Law
Fields of Activity
- Real Estate and Construction Law
Drafting of contracts for private construction law, VOB
Commercial real estate, transactions, purchase contracts with construction obligation
Project preparation and support, strategy consulting
Private construction and architectural law
Plant engineering
Public procurement law
Litigation tactics and control
- Litigation, arbitration, litigation tactics
- Commercial Law
- Commercial tenancy law
- General civil law
Fair oder unwirksam – Vertragsklauseln in der Bauwirtschaft stehen auf dem Prüfstand (ECONO 2011/10)
Sicherung der Vergütung für Bauleistungen (Lexxion, Der Deutsche Wirtschaftsanwalt 2007, 44)
Das förmliche Geständnis im US-amerikanischen Strafprozess als Beispiel der Verfahrenserledigung (Diss., Duncker & Humblot 2001, Schriftenreihe zum Prozessrecht Bd. 164)
Rehasport ProAktiv Nußloch e. V., Chairman of the board
Studentenwohnheim Heidelberger Wingolf e. V., Chairman of the board
Philisterverein Heidelberger Wingolf e. V., Chairman of the board
Project planning of a meat processing factory (new building), town planning contract, real estate contracts, construction contracts and project-related advice
Advice on the sale of a Steigenberger resort hotel, contract drafting
Drafting of contracts for dismantling and new construction of a 380kV substation
Arbitration proceedings in Finland regarding claims from services for a paper mill
Customer contracts and subcontractor contracts for conveyor technology and high-bay warehouses in Germany and other EU countries
Drafting of contracts Project-related advice on Kriegers Flak, turnkey contract and subcontractor contract, back-to-back HVDC converter station 410 MW, Bentwisch
Project-accompanying consultation Nordlink Interconnector, HVDC Light® bi-pole installation 1,400 MW
Award procedure “Project ALEGrO – Two HVDC Converters for electrical interconnector between Belgium and Germany”
Project support for the construction of gates at Terminal 3, Frankfurt Airport
Construction of truck toll pillars on federal roads in Germany, project support
Advice and litigation on large-scale photovoltaic systems in Saarland, Lower Saxony, Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt